Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS-SGGW) is the oldest agricultural university in Poland. Its history dates back to 1816. Mission of the University is to provide society with knowledge and education characterized by multidisciplinary and internationallity in a wide area of environmentally oriented sustainable development. At present, the university consists of 13 faculties offering 130 specializations, 34 field of study, 13 departments. There are more than 16000 students enrolled and about 1200 members of academic staff (in this more than 340 professors and associated professors). The University has signed more than 300 agreements for international cooperation with universities and research institutions from more than 50 countries of the world. Number of study programmes and modules taught in English is increasing every year. The new, modern campus offers well equipped classrooms (1500), lecture halls (24), computer labs (60), library and laboratories, but also number of dormitories and modern sports facilities. WULS has been recognized as the most innovative and creative university in Poland (the ACI competition winner in 2010-2014) and the most innovative and creative university in Poland in the creation of job prospects (competition organized by ACI 2012).
Key representatives involved in the project are: prof. WULS Joanna Trafiałek (project coordinator), prof. WULS Dominika Średnicka-Tober (project deputy coordinator), prof. Ewa Czarniecka-Skubina, prof. WULS Renata Kazimierczak, prof. WULS Ewelina Hallmann.
The University of Zagreb (1669) (UNIZG) is the oldest and biggest university in South-Eastern Europe. It is consisting of 34 constituent units, faculties and academies. With its comprehensive programmes and over 70,000 full-time undergraduate and postgraduate students the UNIZG is the strongest teaching institution in Croatia. Proposed project will be implemented by Faculty of Agriculture (FAZ). The Faculty of Agriculture was founded in 1919 as the 5th Faculty of the University of Zagreb. The total number of staff employed at FAZ is 456 (256 scientific and 200 administrative staff). The main strategic goals of FAZ are to develop scientific excellence, innovation in research and collaboration with business sector; to contribute to the sustainable development of the Croatian economy and society as a whole and to improve international cooperation in teaching and scientific-research area.
Key staff involved in project activities are prof. Renata Bažok, PhD and prof. Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka PhD.
The University of Tuscia (UNITUS) was founded in 1979. The synergy between the University and the local institutions has allowed seven university campuses to develop. UNITUS is a multidisciplinary international University that claims a place among Italian’s top centres of research and teaching. UNITUS has institutional bilateral agreements with partners in Europe, Eastern countries, USA, Asia and South Africa for the exchange of academic staff, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers. The educational activities are divided into seven Departments, a Consortium for Inter-Disciplinary Research (CIRDER), Major Analytical Instrumentation Center (MAIC), an experimental farm, a Botanic Garden and a Museum. The university offers 17 undergraduate programs, 19 second level degree programs, 2 single-cycle degree programs and 7 PhD programs.
Key representatives involved in the project are: prof. dr Roberto Mancinelli, prof. dr. Rosario Muleo, Dr. Angela Fattoretti.
Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU) is a public university, established in 1951. It is the centre of research and development in the fields of agriculture, forestry, animal science, veterinary science, rural life and economy, food science and environmentally-friendly technologies in Estonia. According to QS World University Rankings by Subject (2019), EMU is one of top 100 universities in the world in the field of agriculture and forestry, ranked 51 to 100. EMU also belongs to the top 1% most cited research facilities in the world. In its development plan for 2025 EMÜ has defined its goal to become internationally recognized university in the field of bio-economy. Internationally competitive research and development work, which forms a basis for teaching at all levels of higher education, as well as activities promoting the development of the society in their areas of responsibility are the striving force of the University. EMU has approximately 2600 students (bachelor, masters and PhD students) and staff of 960 people (incl. academic staff 430).
Key representatives involved in the project are: Elen Peetsmann (MSc), Katrin Laikoja (MSc), prof. Mati Roasto, prof. Anne Luik.
FH Münster – University of Applied Sciences (MUAS) is a valued, innovative partner on a regional, national and international level. Backed by a network of strategic partnerships, it has a long tradition of education founded in 1971 and the highest rate of third-party funding at any German university. MUAS provides many contact points for its co-operation partners: in product development, company management, HR development or communication. With more than 14.500 students it is one of the largest applied science universities in the country. Its twelve departments and central scientific institutions offer 87 degree programmes with a staff of more than 270 professors, 350 academic and 415 administrative staff and 50 trainees. MUAS is spread over three campus sites in Münster and a further three sites in Steinfurt. MUAS was the first German university of applied sciences to have been system-accredited (in 2011). External assessors at AQAS have attested that the quality management system guarantees the standards required by the Accreditation Council in all degree programmes. And what is more: reference was explicitly made to the culture of quality found at our university.
Key representatives involved in the project are: prof. Ursula Bordewick-Dell, Michelle Veith.