On-line lecture (video) on food safety system in organic production

Dear “SAFE-ORGfood project lovers” and all viewers, please see the introducing video of the project coordinator prof. WULS Joanna Trafiałek about the importance of project for organic stakeholders, educators and consumers, and introducing video of our Estonian partner about the reason of partizipating in the project.
Then, please see five videos on food safety of one traditional organic product from the country of each partner institution.

Introducing video about the project by Joanna Trafiałek

Estonian introducing video by Elen Peetsmann

Polish herbal products by Joanna Trafiałek, Katarzyna Neffe-Skocińska, Dominika Średnicka-Tober from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS)

Estonian apple juice by Elen Peetsmann, Mati Roasto, Katrin Laikoja from Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMU)

German yoghurt by Ursula Bordewick-Dell from University of Applied Sciences (MUAS)

Croatian olive oil by Mirna Mrkonjić Fuka and Renata Bažok from University of Zagreb (UNIZG)

Italian buffalo mozarella by Roberto Mancinelli, Rosario Muleo, Mohamed Allam, and Verdiana Pertoselli from University Degli Studi Della Tuscia (UNITUS)